Sound Beyond Hearing: The College Experiment That Revealed a Potential Sonic Pandora’s Box

A professor conducted an experiment involving inaudible sound waves carrying music that could be perceived inside one’s head. This experiment took place at a college, the professor played an Eagles song. The reactions of the students were quite intriguing. This experiment raises questions, suggesting that if a college professor can achieve this with minimal resources. You can imagine how this technology could be used by nefarious entities in the future.

2 thoughts on “Sound Beyond Hearing: The College Experiment That Revealed a Potential Sonic Pandora’s Box”

  1. Every time someone hears God speak to them, as Abraham, Jacob, Daniel and everyone of the apostles of the Christian Bible did, it is almost always inaudible to others, except the person being spoken too.

    • Paul heard the Lord on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:7 says those who traveled with him heard something, but Acts 22:9 clarifies they did not understand it as a voice speaking words. Acts 26:14 says the other men also saw the light and it caused them to fall to the ground with Paul. I’ve occasionally wondered if those men’s lives were changed in any Way. I always hope so.


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