Leading space science expert predicts a ‘direct hit’ on Earth from a solar storm

It has been a busy time for solar activity. Back in March of 2022, Earth was hit by separate geomagnetic storms, according to government weather agencies in the U.S. and the U.K.

Though the geomagnetic storms likely didn’t cause any harm, they brought into focus the potential harm that could come from more powerful storms in the future.

Then earlier this month, a G1-class geomagnetic storm hit the Earth, causing bright auroras over Canada. The only problem is that nobody saw this storm coming until it was quite late. Source: Interesting Engineering

17th of Tammuz: Record Number of Jews Ascend to the Temple Mount to Commemorate Jerusalem’s Destruction

On Sunday, Jews ascended to the Temple Mount, fasting to commemorate the breach of the walls of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Second Temple.

Saturday was the Seventeenth of Tammuz, but if it falls on Saturday (as it did this year), the fast is postponed until the following day.

Ascending to Judaism’s holiest site is a powerful rite for Jews, requiring immersion in a mikveh (ritual bath), and wearing leather shoes is forbidden. Despite Israeli law mandating religious equality at the site, The Israeli police routinely prohibit Jews (and Christians) from praying. Jews may only enter from one gate during limited hours and only after a rigorous background and security check. Source: Israel 365

Israel’s Former Washington Ambassador: Biden Leaked Israeli Intel for Iran Deal

As President Biden returns to the US from a visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia, one insider noted a disturbing factor contributing to the erosion of the relationship between the US and Israel; White House intel leaks that harm Israel’s security interests.

Ron Dermer is an American-born political consultant and diplomat who served as the Israeli Ambassador to the United States from 2013 to 2021. He previously served as Israel’s economic envoy to the United States from 2005 to 2008 and is a long-time adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu. Dermer outlined this theory in an interview on the podcast “Diplomatically Incorrect” with The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), a  pro-Israeli lobby and think-tank, one month ago in preparation for Biden’s visit.

The interview began with Dermer and  Dr. Michael Makovsky discussing a New York Times article reporting on the assassination of Colonel Hassan Sayyad Khodaei from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was shot dead outside his Tehran home. The source or the story was a White House leak that gave out confidential intel on Israeli operations. Source: Israel365

Released NIH Emails Show Fauci’s Department Not Only Knew About Gain-of-Function but Raised the Alarm Years Before Outbreak

Four years before the world battled the rampant peril of COVID-19, officials at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases expressed concerns over what they called “gain-of-function” research in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, according to documents received by Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

The agency is headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has steadfastly denied that any “gain-of-function” research was supported by the agency. Gain-of-function research takes place when scientists take a virus that exists in nature and make it more powerful.

“The incredible disclosure of an FBI inquiry shows that Fauci and others involved in this scandal were being dishonest in dismissing the seriousness of questions about their cover-up of their funding of dangerous gain-of-function research in China,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, according to Judicial WatchSource: Western Journal

CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood.

Called Q Chat Space, the platform is advertised on the CDC’s LGBT Health Youth Resources page, archived here. The chat service, which describes itself as “a community for LGBTQ+ teens,” is available for those ages 13-19, can be hidden from parents, and focuses on a number of mature themes.

Q Chat hosts conversations on a number of different mature and sexual topics, including “Drag Culture 101,” “Sex and Relationships,” and “Having Multiple Genders,” intended for ‘Bi/Pan Youth.” Source: Breitbart

Biden Removes Israeli Flag for E. Jerusalem Meeting with Palestinians

Along with many other snubs disrespecting his Israeli hosts, President Biden removed the Israeli flag from his limousine before travelling to his meeting with Palestinian representatives in the eastern section of Jerusalem.

On Friday, Biden visited Augusta Victoria hospital in the eastern section of Jerusalem. The hospital is run by the Palestinian Authority, and the visit is seen as tacit support of a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem. This will mark the first time a sitting US president has visited a predominantly Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem. While the State Department assured the Israeli government that the visit was not intended as a snub or to indicate Palestinian sovereignty in the Israeli capital, one glaring detail betrayed the truth. “The Beast”, the presidential limousine, displayed the US and Israeli flags when visiting Israeli officials but the trip to the eastern section of Israel capital was carrried out without an Israeli flag. Source: Israel365

Investigation Reveals Operations of ‘Powerful’ Yuma County Democrat Who Admitted to Ballot Harvesting

An undercover video at the polls helped investigators disrupt a local ballot harvesting operation run by a Democratic operative in Arizona, in a scheme that prosecutors have described as a “modern day political machine seeking to influence the outcome” of a 2020 municipal election.

Guillermina Fuentes, a former mayor of San Luis, and her associate Alma Juarez, earlier this year both pleaded guilty to one count of ballot abuse. Fuentes admitted to illegally collecting early ballots from four persons who were not her family members during a Aug. 4, 2020, primary election in the border town of San Luis.

Fuentes, of Yuma County, is the owner of a local construction business, a board member of the Gadsden Elementary School District, former mayor of San Luis, Arizona, and a Democratic precinct committee person. Source: Epoch Times

US Consumer Prices Soared In June, Americans’ Real Wages Fall For 15th Straight Month

With The White House having desperately tried to front-run this morning’s inflation print, analysts were expecting a jump higher led by food and energy costs. They were right in direction but it was way worse as the headline CPI soared 9.1% YoY (vs 8.8% exp and 8.6% prior).

Real wages fell for the 15th month in a row… (Americans’ purchasing power domestically fell by a record 3.6% YoY in June). Source: ZeroHedge

Doctors Successfully Transplant Pig Hearts Into ‘Brain-Dead’ Patients

Scientists at NYU Langone Health successfully transplanted genetically modified pig hearts into “brain-dead” patients, the organization announced Tuesday.

Lawrence Kelly, 72, and Alva Capuano, 64, both recently deceased, were declared brain-dead and kept alive on ventilators before they passed, according to The Wall Street Journal. Researchers transplanted the pig hearts into them in June and July, and both bodies accepted the transplant and maintained normal heart function for three days following the procedures, NYU Langone said. Source: Daily Caller

Los Angeles Unified School District Provides Lesson Plans that Promote Child Transgenderism

America’s second-largest school district is teaming up with various left-wing organizations to promote child transgenderism.

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has teamed up with a number of leftwing organizations to provide teachers with children’s books that promote transgenderism and corresponding lesson plans.

Open Books, previously named Gender Nation, is an organization that aims to “validate children with LGBTQ+ storytelling” by furnishing public schools with books that endorse child transgenderism. The LAUSD Human Relations, Diversity and Equity website explains that the district received “an enormous donation of LGBTQIA-themed books that are developmentally appropriate for elementary and span schools” from the organization. Source: Breitbart

Hollywood pro-abortion activists demand end to Christianity and ‘fascist’ Supreme Court

Hollywood pro-abortion activists demand end to Christianity and ‘fascist’ Supreme Court
Turning Point USA contributor and host of Frontlines Drew Hernandez reported from the rally as objectors to the overturning of Roe v. Wade marched down Hollywood Boulevard.

Turning Point USA contributor and host of Frontlines Drew Hernandez reported from the rally as objectors to the overturning of Roe v. Wade marched down Hollywood Boulevard. Hernandez shared shocking footage to Twitter, showing protestors waving anti-Christian signs and comparing the religion to a contagious virus. Source: Post Millennial

100,000 Americans died in a single year from Drug Overdoses for first time in U.S. history

Lawmakers and prosecutors may be under addressing the opioid crisis, specifically with regards to illegal fentanyl. The past stigma of over-policing recreational drugs and drug users may be partially to blame for this policy blind spot, but unless things change this crisis may only get worse.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that for the 12-month period ending in April 2021, over 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses for the first time ever.

This grim new milestone has unfortunately been slowly building, as America has seen a twentyfold increase in the opioid death rate between the years 1990 and 2020. Source: Law Enforcement Today