Famed liberal law professor predicts Bannon convictions will be overturned

Famed Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz is predicting that ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress conviction by a jury will be overturned on constitutional grounds.

Friday’s convictions are “entirely in violation of the Constitution” in part because the jury was comprised of “probably 97 percent Trump haters,” Dershowitz told Newsmax.

”The only provision of the Constitution, which appears basically twice, is trial by jury in and in front of a fair jury,” he explained.

”Number one, he didn’t have a fair jury. Number two, the judge took his defenses away from him,” he added. Source: Just the News

Drag queens, incest, pedophilia dominate taxpayer-funded film festival

American taxpayer dollars contributed to a queer film festival that featured films on drug culture, incestuous siblings, and sexual relationships between adults and minors.

The U.S. State Department contributed $10,000 to the Queer Lisboa, a Portuguese film festival held in September 2021, as part of the Biden administration’s efforts to promote acceptance of the LGBTQI+ community internationally, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Among the plethora of provocative content featured was the documentary film P.S. Burn This Letter Please, which detailed drug culture in New York City after World War II. Saint-Narcisse meanwhile displayed a story of twins in an incestuous relationship, while Minyan depicted an underage boy engaging in a sexual relationship with an adult bartender in New York City. Source: Just the News

Fentanyl-traffic suspects skip California court date after release on cashless bail

Two men accused of trafficking multiple thousands of fentanyl pills failed to show up for their court date Thursday after having been released on cashless bail last month.

Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, were released on their own recognizance less than a day after being arrested when, according to authorities, 150,000 fentanyl pills were found in their car during a California traffic stop on June 24.

The judge for their case in Tulare County issued a warrant for their arrest and dropped the men’s $2 million bond. Source: Washington Times

Solar Panels Suffer Stunning Failure as Weather Becomes ‘Too Hot’ for Them to Handle

In an article Tuesday headlined “Weather ‘too hot’ for solar panels,” The Telegraph of London reported Tuesday that temperatures of over 104 degrees Fahrenheit — “for the first time ever in Britain” — severely negatively impacted local solar panels’ ability to store energy.

As temperatures rise above 77 F, solar panels become 0.35 percentage points less efficient with each increasing degree Celsius, the report said.

“The efficiency of solar panels is impacted by temperature, with high temperatures above 25 degrees [Celsius] negatively impacting on performance,” Tim Dixon, an analyst at Cornwall Insight, told the outlet. “It is likely that the extreme temperatures have impacted total output levels.”  Source: Western Journal

Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain computer startup is beat again. This time a competitor implanted its device into its first U.S. patient

Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain computing startup has yet to receive approval from the Federal Drug Administration to implant its technology in humans. However, Neuralink’s competitor, Synchron, has implanted its first device into the brain of a U.S. patient — in this case one with ALS, a neurodegenerative disease that’s affected the patient’s ability to move and speak, as reported by Bloomberg.

The hope is that the patient will be able to browse the web and communicate through email and text just by thinking. The device would translate the patient’s thoughts into action through commands sent to a computer.

Synchron had already implanted its devices in four patients in Australia. These patients are reported by Bloomberg to have no side effects, and the device has allowed them to send messages through WhatsApp and make online purchases.   Source: Fortune

World Economic Forum Promotes Plan To Block The Sun’s Rays With ‘Space Bubbles’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is promoting a plan to block the Sun using “space bubbles,” supposedly to combat “climate change.” Blocking the sun is a major globalist plot that Bill Gates has been involved in. If the globalists manage to block or dim the Sun’s rays, how will humanity be affected? This is the question that America’s empty-suit quisling political leaders do not seem to be asking with any kind of urgency. Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab’s WEF and other globalist entities seem determined to block the Sun, which cartoon villain Mr. Burns unsuccessfully tried to do on The Simpsons.

A disturbing video shared by WEF states that “MIT scientists say ‘space bubbles’ could help reverse climate change by reflecting the Sun’s heat away from Earth.” The video refers to this process as “geoengineering.” The video explains that “The bubbles would be manufactured in space by robots” and “They would form a ‘raft’ about the size of Brazil.”

Clearly, the Sun is an important part of our human experience. All through history, humans have basked in the benevolent rays of the Sun. However, the globalist New World Order (NWO) seems to want to shut down the experiences that give human beings health, warmth, and joy. How will future generations regard us if we simply allow malevolent oligarchs to block our beautiful Sun? Source: The National File

Vice President Harris Likens SCOTUS Decision on Abortion to Slavery

Vice President Kamala Harris likened abortion bans to slavery in a speech at the NAACP National Convention in Atlantic City, N.J., on Monday.

“We must also take steps to protect other fundamental freedoms, including the freedom for a woman to make decisions about her own body, and, you know, on this subject, it’s important to note that to support a woman’s ability — not her government, but her — to make that decision does not require anyone to abandon their faith or their beliefs,” Harris said.

“It just requires us to agree the government shouldn’t be making that decision for her, and think about it: For the first time in generations, the United States Supreme Court — the highest court of our land; the former court of Thurgood Marshall — took away a constitutional right, that had been recognized, from the people of America, from the women of America,” the vice president said. Source: CNS News

US Citizen Caught At The Border With Enough Fentanyl To Kill Every Single Person On The West Coast

Border Patrol agents seized 250 pounds of fentanyl, enough to potentially kill everyone living on the west coast of the country, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced Monday.

The border agents confiscated the drugs after pulling over a U.S. citizen driver of a 2015 Black GMC truck near Campo, California, where a drug sniffing dog found multiple packages of fentanyl hidden in the car’s spare tire and its gas tank, according to CBP.

Using the DEA’s metric that one kilogram of fentanyl has the potential to kill 500,000 people, the seizure contained over 56 million doses. The seizure has an estimated street value of $3,679,000, according to CBP. Source: Daily Caller

Biden Administration’s CDC Encourages Teachers to Use Leftist Gender Curriculum

The Biden administration’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting an activist organization that seeks to embed leftist gender theory in the classroom.

The CDC LGBT Youth Resources page, archived here, directs teachers to access educator resources from the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a leftwing organization that seeks to embed gender theory into America’s classrooms.

“Looking for ways to support Ally Week, No Name-Calling Week or the Day of Silence? Interested in finding ways to bring LGBTQ-visibility into your curriculum? You’ve come to the right place!” GLSEN’s website explains.  Source: Breitbart

Leading space science expert predicts a ‘direct hit’ on Earth from a solar storm

It has been a busy time for solar activity. Back in March of 2022, Earth was hit by separate geomagnetic storms, according to government weather agencies in the U.S. and the U.K.

Though the geomagnetic storms likely didn’t cause any harm, they brought into focus the potential harm that could come from more powerful storms in the future.

Then earlier this month, a G1-class geomagnetic storm hit the Earth, causing bright auroras over Canada. The only problem is that nobody saw this storm coming until it was quite late. Source: Interesting Engineering

17th of Tammuz: Record Number of Jews Ascend to the Temple Mount to Commemorate Jerusalem’s Destruction

On Sunday, Jews ascended to the Temple Mount, fasting to commemorate the breach of the walls of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Second Temple.

Saturday was the Seventeenth of Tammuz, but if it falls on Saturday (as it did this year), the fast is postponed until the following day.

Ascending to Judaism’s holiest site is a powerful rite for Jews, requiring immersion in a mikveh (ritual bath), and wearing leather shoes is forbidden. Despite Israeli law mandating religious equality at the site, The Israeli police routinely prohibit Jews (and Christians) from praying. Jews may only enter from one gate during limited hours and only after a rigorous background and security check. Source: Israel 365

Israel’s Former Washington Ambassador: Biden Leaked Israeli Intel for Iran Deal

As President Biden returns to the US from a visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia, one insider noted a disturbing factor contributing to the erosion of the relationship between the US and Israel; White House intel leaks that harm Israel’s security interests.

Ron Dermer is an American-born political consultant and diplomat who served as the Israeli Ambassador to the United States from 2013 to 2021. He previously served as Israel’s economic envoy to the United States from 2005 to 2008 and is a long-time adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu. Dermer outlined this theory in an interview on the podcast “Diplomatically Incorrect” with The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), a  pro-Israeli lobby and think-tank, one month ago in preparation for Biden’s visit.

The interview began with Dermer and  Dr. Michael Makovsky discussing a New York Times article reporting on the assassination of Colonel Hassan Sayyad Khodaei from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was shot dead outside his Tehran home. The source or the story was a White House leak that gave out confidential intel on Israeli operations. Source: Israel365