NY Times: Bracing for the End of Roe v. Wade, the White House Weighs Executive Actions

President Biden’s top aides are weighing whether he can or should take a series of executive actions to help women in Republican-controlled states obtain abortions if the Supreme Court eliminates a woman’s right to end her pregnancy, according to senior administration officials. Source: NY Times

1 thought on “NY Times: Bracing for the End of Roe v. Wade, the White House Weighs Executive Actions”

  1. I pity this creature called biden…….
    States…will have to, VERY SOON, simply disobey, (so called) presidential “executive actions”, because…THE RIGHTS OF THE STATES….ARE THE RIGHTS OF THE STATES……PERIOD
    I foresee a Revolution in this country….Why? Because…evil has become rampant & it CANNOT overshadow, the GOODNESS & POWER OF OUR LIVING GOD……



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