US Army Base Holds Training Class Calling Pro-Life Orgs ‘Terrorist Groups’

(Worthy Insights) – A U.S. Army base in North Carolina previously held a training class in which pro-life organizations were described explicitly as “terrorist groups.”

The training class included a presentation that featured a slide deck listing the pro-life groups National Right to Life and Operation Rescue as terrorist organizations at Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, the Fort confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation. The Fort condemned the slides on Thursday and claimed that the deck was put together by a garrison employee who was not authorized to use them for the presentation.

“This is a national outrage. Instead of defending us from foreign terrorists, Joe Biden’s Pentagon is attacking pro-life Americans as a domestic terror threat,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks told the DCNF. “Even if this slide deck was unapproved, it still exposes the Biden Pentagon for creating a politicized environment where far-left wack jobs feel they can get away with teaching our troops that conservative Americans are their adversary and legitimate military targets. We are in dangerous territory.” [ Source: Daily Caller (Read More…) ]

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2 thoughts on “US Army Base Holds Training Class Calling Pro-Life Orgs ‘Terrorist Groups’”

  1. This needs serious continuous focused prayer and the soldiers need deliverance. Are we praying or talking and sharing. This stronghold has lasted too long. I look for a praise report folks. You at worthy news and your partners need to get busy on your knees.. I am also praying binding and loosing breaking chains setting the captives free. Asking for laborers and ministering angels. Lets get it done. These men are our freedom fighters and we can’t afford for this to continue and happen to the military/leadership.


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