The Fear Weapon of Imminent Threat

by Miki Yochanan, Worthy News Contributor

(Worthy Insights) – As Israel stands poised for an attack, the wait becomes stress-filled boredom as the leaders are bunker-protected and the populous readies their homes and families for a very REAL Iranian promised onslaught. This – being promised by 2-3 days of airborne missiles, drones, and rockets, seems to, now have inoculated the people of Israel into initiating self-affliction upon themselves. What am I talking about?

This is the same place they found themselves on October 6th – divided as ever over Judicial policy and social reforms. Now, the verbal swords against Netanyahu by his own staff, Knesset members, and government leaders have been drawn as the diatribe ensues into a new level again…while the wait continues for the sky to fall over Israel via the Sabre of Iran.

Is this the intent? Is this a strategy by Iran to be overwhelmingly vociferous towards Israel over the killing of one man. Is this equitable? Or is this the same type of diabolicality that Japan endeavored into prior to the December 7th bombing of Pearl Harbor. Could it be – if we do not see an attack by Iran soon, that they are essentially attempting to draw Israel into an economic war of self-protection (being under constant threat of attack – without any actual act of war) and by doing so, trigger Israel to swing the first blow back at them?

That is what the US did to Japan over the months prior to December 7th. The US blockaded raw materials on their way to the Japanese islands. They also negotiated a reduction of commerce between Japan and other nations, even causing the Japanese currency to devalue. Is it possible Iran is waging an economic war by using the fear of imminency to Israel where there is never light at the end of the tunnel? I don’t know the answer to that, but it seems to be at least – a short-term strategy that places Israel in a Defcon 5 type alert status 24/7 with no end in sight.

As I converse with my friends in the Land, I hear how they need to be near shelters at all times, having stocked up with food, water, generators, fuel – and it seems as if there is a belief that Israel is going to awaken to great devastation at some point – at any moment.
In thinking about this, if I were Iran – I would not be concerned because if that were my goal – I have won a great battle – placing my enemy in a place where fear can percolate and grow, and after days of no attack, it then can turn into frustration, boredom and potential laziness to the threat. It is a great strategy – an evil one mind you. Now, Israeli leaders are bickering and snapping at each other for a ceasefire and hostage release while watching (according to Hamas) the fact they executed one hostage and wounded two others.

This behavior seems to be the thing which they are after. Attacking Israel with hundreds of flying bombs, in the eyes of the world, would look like an unfair retaliation to one man’s death. So, why not attempt to get Israel to launch a preemptive strike against Iran and draw them to a skirmish line where Iran can feel justified in an all-out offense against Israel.

At the same time, we see Zelensky invading Russia, poking the bear into another line across a part of the globe which would bring the world to another commencement of war – number three in just over 100 years.

On the sideline (and I am speculating – but there are sources in three-letter agencies that actually state this as fact) The US seems to be playing the Offensive Coordinator for Iran and the Defensive Coordinator for Israel. This is an evil position – lead by those who hate Israel and want to use Iran as a tool for destruction. By doing so, the nations with weak economies (aka the US, several in the EU, many Slavic nations, and in Asia) can participate in the greatest way for a government to recover – Go To War! It benefits the weaker nations who ally correctly with future history and can bring down the hated ones.

What these nations fail to realize is that there is a God – whose preeminent promise is to His Firstborn, Israel. (Wait – what do you mean Israel is His firstborn? I thought Jesus was His begotten Son.) In Exodus chapter four God instructs Moses for another trip to Pharaoh’s court – but this time He tells Moses in verses 22-23, “Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son, and I told you, “Let my son go, so he may worship me. But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son.”

No way to escape the fact this is the case – And because of the lack of time and letter count we can debate later what you think about the current state of Israel – but yes it has been proved time and again that Israel is the placeholder for the Firstborn to come and see Messiah return. Both in its populous and in the Land.

So, this is not a prediction, only a held speculation as I watch what is happening from the stands – praying towards the protection of Israel, its people, and its land… I am going to begin praying Psalm 133 over the land; because if the enemy can cause division within the ranks of society, government, and military in Israel without firing a shot – it is truly a softening of the battlefield of the mind, so when calamity comes it is more effective for the enemy. Let us all be discerning and make sure we understand these battles in Israel whether with natural weapons or Ephesians 6:10-18 weapons, one of those you cannot participate in – the other you can! So let us all read this passage and engage in praying for unity, strength, endurance, and courage for the people of Israel.

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