‘Something Has Shifted’: Pastors Report Revival Fires Spreading in the UK

(Worthy Insights) – Revival fires are reportedly spreading across the United Kingdom. From England to Ireland, Christians are witnessing a “shift” and a new hunger for God in the once spiritually dry region.

“Something has shifted in the last six months and it feels almost like it’s a rising river,” said Pastor Craig Cooney who leads Hope Church in Northern Ireland. He believes the spiritual drought brought on by the pandemic is over.

“Between 2020 and 2023 I found myself often saying that I’ve never seen the church at such a low ebb that it just felt like we were going through the motions post-Covid, that churches were struggling, their numbers were down. But not only were their numbers down, there was just a lack of zeal, lack of passion, a lack of enthusiasm, a lack of growth. And something shifted around the start of this year, I would say, and it’s difficult to describe or define,” Cooney said. [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]

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