Saudi Arabia seeks defense pact similar to Israel’s

(Worthy Insights) – In a significant shift in Middle East dynamics, Saudi Arabia is reportedly seeking a defense alliance similar to Israel’s, while Gulf states position themselves to play a crucial role in resolving the Gaza crisis. This development unfolds against a backdrop of regional tensions, including concerns along the Israel-Lebanon border, uncertainty in United States politics, and ongoing turmoil in Israel’s political landscape, according to a high-ranking Gulf official.

“Currently, we’re all in a holding pattern,” the official confided this week to Israel Hayom. “We’re closely monitoring the Israel-Lebanon border, wary of potential conflict escalation. We’re also navigating the uncertainties within the US administration, the upcoming presidential elections, and the political instability in Israel. Nevertheless, there’s a consensus that the leading Gulf nations will inevitably be integral to resolving the Gaza situation, as part of a broader regional arrangement that includes expanded normalization with Israel.”

When pressed on who constitutes “we all,” the official elaborated, “This encompasses the leadership of moderate Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan, and the Israeli leadership – extending beyond just Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu.” [ Source (Read More…) ]

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