San Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To Vax Mandates

San Diego is witnessing the largest exodus of police officers from the city since 2009 and the majority of them are quitting because of the city’s continued obsession with covid vaccine mandates.

Perhaps the smartest move the people of Los Angeles County ever made was to elect Sheriff Alex Villanueva, who refused to enforce unconstitutional vax mandates. The decision probably saved them from losing a quarter or more of their law enforcement officers within the sheriff’s department.

Contrast this with the LAPD, which was not so lucky. Officers have quit in droves or were fired, with over 2200 employees refusing to comply. This has been a repeating situation across California, and San Diego is the latest region to suffer considerable losses of LEO’s over vax mandates. Source: ZeroHedge

Liberal Billionaire Bill Gates Urges Governments to Invest In Orwellian Digital ‘Payment and ID Systems’

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates flexed his leftist bona fides by advocating for world governments to centralize control over digital payments.

A June 29 World Bank press release stated that following the COVID-19 pandemic, “Two-thirds of adults worldwide now make or receive a digital payment, with the share in developing economies grew [sic] from 35% in 2014 to 57% in 2021.”

The press release, which was based on findings from the Gates-supported 2021 Global Findex database, noted that “over 40% of adults who made merchant in-store or online payments using a card, phone, or the internet did so for the first time since the start of the pandemic.” Source: NewsBusters

U.N. Takes Down Op-Ed: The Benefits of World Hunger

The United Nations posted an article, “The Benefits of World Hunger” however after quotes were circulated on social media, the op-ed was removed. Nevertheless, we obtained a copy of the original article through the WayBack Machine.

Some of the more interesting quotes:

Hunger has great positive value to many people. Indeed, it is fundamental to the working of the world’s economy. Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour.

For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.


GOP Set To Win Massive Majority In House, Analysis Finds

Republicans are expected to take control of the House of Representatives with a potentially massive majority, according to the Fox News Power Rankings.

The GOP is predicted to win between 225 and 255 seats in the November midterm elections, according to the Fox News Power Rankings, which uses data such as historical trends, fundraising and other polling to create projections for elections. Currently, there are 33 seats that the GOP will likely win, with another 30 seats considered as “toss-ups” come this November, according to the analysis. Source: Daily Caller

Emails Confirm Why CDC Changed Definitions of Vaccine, Vaccinated

Newly obtained emails confirm that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its definition for both “vaccine” and “vaccinated” because people were pointing out that definitions didn’t seem to apply to the COVID-19 vaccines.

“The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition,” Alycia Downs, a CDC official, wrote in an email on Aug. 25, 2021, to a colleague.

“Vaccine” was defined since at least 2011 by the CDC as a product that triggers immunity, while “vaccination” was described as an injection that prevents a disease, according to archived versions of the page. However, a flood of inquiries on the definitions was triggered by the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines have been increasingly ineffective against infection by the virus that causes COVID-19, the emails show. Source: Epoch Times

Gun applicants in New York will have to hand over social media accounts

As missed warning signs pile up in investigations of mass killings, New York state is rolling out a novel strategy to screen applicants for gun permits. People seeking to carry concealed handguns will be required to hand over their social media accounts for a review of their “character and conduct.”

It’s an approach applauded by many Democrats and national gun control advocacy groups, but some experts have raised questions about how the law will be enforced and address free speech concerns.

Some of the local officials who will be tasked with reviewing the social media content also are asking whether they’ll have the resources and, in some cases, whether the law is even constitutional. Source: CNBC

Actual journalist questions viral ’10-year-old rape victim denied abortion’ story — and she brings RECEIPTS

A disturbing story about a 10-year-old girl in Ohio, a rape victim who had to travel to the neighboring state of Indiana to get an abortion after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, has recently gone viral.

While the corporate media and pro-abortionists jumped all over the opportunity to use this horrific alleged crime as a political weapon against pro-life politicians, such as South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R), a few actual journalists raised questions. PJ Media’s Megan Fox said the alleged story gave her “serious pause for a number of reasons,” so she dug up some interesting information, which she shared in a very long Twitter thread. Source: Blaze

Should a fetus count as a car passenger? Pregnant Texas woman says yes, fights ticket

A pregnant woman in Texas plans to fight a ticket she received for driving in the high-occupancy vehicle lane alone, saying the overturn of Roe v. Wade means her unborn child counts as a passenger.

The Dallas Morning News first reported the incident involving Brandy Bottone, who got a $215 ticket after being pulled over on U.S. Highway 75 South on June 29.

“An officer peeked in and asked, ‘Is there anybody else in the car?’” Bottone told the outlet. “I pointed to my stomach and said, ‘My baby girl is right here. She is a person.’” Source: USA Today

Op-Ed: The US Is Funding A Massive Virus Hunt That Might Cause Another Pandemic. Great Idea!

I just learned that the US Agency for International Development, USAID, is pouring $125 million into an effort to seek out novel viruses in remote areas of the world. This is pretty much exactly what many scientists, including me, have been warning against for years.

The USAID’s announcement seems utterly oblivious to the enormous dangers posed by this program. Their own headline says they want to find viruses that could cause pandemics! The program, called DEEP VZN (”deep vision,” get it?) is funding scientists in the US and in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to venture (”deep”) into unpopulated areas of the jungle, and to find animals carrying viruses that might infect humans. They’re particularly interested in viruses that could cause the next pandemic.

What could go wrong? Oh nothing, says USAID and the scientists who are happily taking the $125 million in funding. They’ll be super careful! So we should all be pleased with how the government is preparing for the next pandemic.  Source: Forbes

NASA Warns China Planning to Build a Lunar Base With Russia to ‘Occupy The Moon’

China is teaming up with Russia to compete against the United States in space, top NASA officials are warning, including plans to build a lunar base on the moon, attempting to claim Earth’s satellite for its own.

Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported on the comments from NASA Administrator Bill Nelson on Wednesday, saying that there were “real fireworks this week coming from Beijing” in response to his warning about a new space race and China’s intentions to “occupy the moon.”

“We must be very concerned about China is landing on the moon and saying: It’s ours now and you stay out,” Nelson said this weekend in an interview with German newsmagazine Bild. China was doing well because “they steal ideas and technology from others,” said Nelson, accusing China of using their space station to study how to destroy other nations’ satellites. Source: Mediaite