90% of US adults say the United States is experiencing a mental health crisis, CNN/KFF poll finds

An overwhelming majority of people in the United States think the country is experiencing a mental health crisis, according to a new survey from CNN in partnership with the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Nine out of 10 adults said ​they believed that there’s a mental health crisis in the US today. Asked to rate the severity of six specific mental health concerns, Americans put the opioid epidemic near the top, with more than two-thirds of people identifying it as a crisis rather than merely a problem. More than half identified mental health issues among children and teenagers as a crisis, as well as severe mental illness in adults.

The survey captured the perceptions of a nationally representative sample of about 2,000 adults over the summer – 2½ years into the Covid-19 pandemic and amid ongoing public health threats including racism and gun violence. Source: CNN

Scientists Discover Massive “Ocean” Near Earth’s Core

Scientists have discovered a reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans beneath the Earth’s surface, according to an international study. The water has been found between the transition zone of the Earth’s upper and lower mantle. The research team analyzed a rate diamond formed 660 meters below the Earth’s surface using techniques including Raman spectroscopy and FTIR spectrometry, ANI reported.

The study confirmed something that for a long time it was just a theory, namely that ocean water accompanies subducting slabs and thus enters the transition zone. This means that our planet’s water cycle includes the Earth’s interior.

“These mineral transformations greatly hinder the movements of rock in the mantle,” explains Prof. Frank Brenker from the Institute for Geosciences at Goethe University in Frankfurt. For example, mantle plumes — rising columns of hot rock from the deep mantle — sometimes stop directly below the transition zone. The movement of mass in the opposite direction also comes to standstill. Source: NDTV

Enemies list? Fed-backed censorship machine targeted 20 news sites

The private consortium that reported election “misinformation” to tech platforms during the 2020 election season, in “consultation” with federal agencies, targeted several news organizations in its dragnet.

Websites for Just the News, New York Post, Fox News, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Epoch Times and Breitbart were identified among the 20 “most prominent domains across election integrity incidents” that were cited in tweets flagged by the Election Integrity Partnership and its collaborators.

The Washington Post, New York Times and CNN also appeared on the list, though the consortium’s after-action report emphasizes most of the mainstream media reports “were referenced as fact-checks” that played a “corrective role” against “misleading narratives.” Source: Just the News

7 ways a recession could be good for you financially

The Washington Post tried to spin the recession and suggest how it may be good for you financially while the markets are losing trillions!

In his first inaugural address in March 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

It was the Great Depression. The unemployment rate was over 25 percent. An estimated 12 million people were out of work, about one-fourth of the civilian labor force.

“More than 11,000 of 24,000 banks had failed, destroying the savings of depositors,” according to the National Archives. Read more…Washington Post

Planned Parenthood doctor tells committee that ‘men can have pregnancies, especially trans men’

A House committee hearing on abortion restrictions took an unexpected turn Thursday when a Democratic witness who works for Planned Parenthood testified that men can get pregnant.

Dr. Bhavik Kumar, medical director for primary and trans care at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, replied in the affirmative after being asked by Rep. Andrew Clyde, Georgia Republican, if men could become pregnant.

“So men can have pregnancies, especially trans men,” Dr. Kumar told the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Source: Washington Times

Researchers Conduct Vaccine Trials with Box of Mosquitoes – ‘Like 1,000 Small Flying Syringes’

Researchers working on a new malaria vaccine have an unusual way of going about it. By sticking test subjects’ arms over a box full of mosquitoes, the researchers allow genetically modified mosquitoes to bite and deliver the vaccine.

A team at the University of Washington gave mosquitoes a genetically engineered malaria parasite and then used those mosquitoes to inject humans through bites, it reported in a paper published Aug. 24 in the medical journal Science Translational Medicine.

“We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes,” UW physician Dr. Sean Murphy wrote in the paper, Fox News reported Wednesday. Source: Western Journal

Fed Rate-Hikes Will Add Trillions To National Debt

Federal Reserve rate hikes will add trillions to the national debt, according to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

The Fed delivered another 75-basis point rate-hike during its September FOMC meeting this afternoon and made it clear that rates will be ‘higher for longer’ to fight persistently high inflation. According to the Committee for a Responsible Budget (CFRB), rate hikes will add another $2.1 trillion to the national debt over the next decade.

The debt current stands at $30.9 trillion.

Every increase in interest rate raises the federal government’s interest expense. So far in fiscal 2022, the US Treasury has forked out $471 billion just to fund the government’s interest payments. Source: ZeroHedge

How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight

What followed was a steady, almost inexorable shift in power from the overwhelmed governments to a group of non-governmental organizations, according to a seven-month investigation by POLITICO journalists based in the U.S. and Europe and the German newspaper WELT. Armed with expertise, bolstered by contacts at the highest levels of Western nations and empowered by well-grooved relationships with drug makers, the four organizations took on roles often played by governments — but without the accountability of governments.

While nations were still debating the seriousness of the pandemic, the groups identified potential vaccine makers and targeted investments in the development of tests, treatments and shots. And they used their clout with the World Health Organization to help create an ambitious worldwide distribution plan for the dissemination of those Covid tools to needy nations, though it would ultimately fail to live up to its original promises.

The four organizations had worked together in the past, and three of them shared a common history. The largest and most powerful was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest philanthropies in the world. Then there was Gavi, the global vaccine organization that Gates helped to found to inoculate people in low-income nations, and the Wellcome Trust, a British research foundation with a multibillion dollar endowment that had worked with the Gates Foundation in previous years. Finally, there was the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, the international vaccine research and development group that Gates and Wellcome both helped to create in 2017. Source: Politico

Unpacking the Apparent Trump-Hillary Double Standard: For Her, the FBI Helped Obstruct Its Own Investigation

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch obtained evidence that a computer contractor working under the direction of Hillary Clinton’s legal team destroyed subpoenaed records that the former secretary of state stored on a private email server she originally kept at her New York home, and then lied to investigators about it. Yet no charges were brought against Clinton, her lawyers, or her paid consultant.

The leniency accorded to Clinton contrasts with recent moves by Attorney General Merrick Garland to aggressively investigate former President Trump and his lawyers for allegedly obstructing investigators’ efforts to locate subpoenaed records at his Florida home. Legal experts say the apparent double standard may provide a useful defense for Trump and his legal team.

The treatment of Clinton included a deal with her defense team that required the FBI to, in effect, obstruct its own investigation. During its 2016 probe, the bureau agreed with her lawyers’ demands to destroy two laptop hard drives containing subpoenaed evidence immediately after searching for files on them. They did so while the information was still being sought by congressional investigators and even though the lawyers had served under Clinton at the State Department and were subjects of the FBI’s investigation. In fact, the laptops were theirs.  Source: Real Clear Investigations

US Navy Quietly Cancels Vaccine Requirement Order For SEALs

The US Navy quietly rolled back Trident Order #12, an order denying religious exemptions for covid vaccinations, a few months after an injunction was issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in early 2022 as part of an ongoing lawsuit brought by First Liberty Institute.  The suit was initiated on behalf of 35 active-duty SEALS and three reservists seeking exemptions to the mandate due to the possibility of covid vaccines being developed using cells and tissues from aborted fetuses.

This information has only become publicly available after a new filing in the case this week.  Trident Order #12 made any non-compliant SEALS and other troops impossible to deploy and designated them as medically disqualified.  This development runs in tandem with a growing trend among government institutions; they back away from their original draconian mandates but in a manner that reduces media exposure and avoids any admission that the mandates are unconstitutional.  Source: Zero Hedge

One In Five Democrats Believe Men Can Get Pregnant: POLL

Nearly a quarter of Democrats believe men are capable of getting pregnant, according to a recent poll.

Democrats were far more likely than the general population to believe that “some men can get pregnant,” with 22% of Democrats saying they believed the prompt, including 36% of white, college-educated female Democrats, according to the poll conducted by WPA Intelligence and reported by the Daily Wire. This apparent shift away from a conventional view of gender comes after rigorous efforts from activists and media outlets to use gender-neutral language when discussing pregnancy in the name of transgender inclusion.

“Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant,” WPA Intelligence managing director Conor Maguire said, according to DW. “But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement.” Source: Daily Caller

CA School District Orders Book on 10 Sexual Orientations and 8 Genders

Less than a month ago, Fox reported that a California school district was teaching kids about their lady and man bits with a “Genderbread Man.” If by some chance you thought things wouldn’t get worse in CA, you were wrong.

According to Fox News, California’s Newport-Mesa school district has ordered textbooks for students that claim that there are over ten sexual orientations and eight gender identities.  The book is called “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School” and is geared towards 14-18 year-olds.

The book listed the following for types of gender identities: agender, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid, gender nonconforming, gender questioning, nonbinary and transgender. Source: NewsBusters