Israeli leader sends “end days” message to Iran: “We will build the Temple”

(Worthy Insights) – Moshe Feiglin, the leader of the libertarian Zionist party Zehut and an Orthodox Jew, released a video addressing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamist regime in Iran. In the video, Feiglin warns the Ayatollah, giving a harsh Biblical message that was translated to Farsi in the subtitles.

“We have reached the end of days,” Feiglin began. “We have reached the moment of truth. We have reached the end of the historical conclusion. We have reached the Day of Judgment. We are called upon to speak openly, to delve into the root causes and to reveal our true identity.”

“Who are we truly? What do we represent? Why is it so important for you to destroy us? And most importantly, who will win here and decisively.” [ Source: Israel365 (Read More…) ]

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