Iran Could Dash To Build a Nuclear Weapon Before Biden Leaves Office, Experts Warn

(Worthy Insights) – Iran could rush to build a functional nuclear weapon ahead of the 2024 presidential election should it assess that Donald Trump is poised to win, U.S. foreign policy experts are warning as Tehran works to undermine Trump’s White House bid.

“Iran may seek to establish a nuclear fait accompli before the next administration takes office in January 2025, especially if Iran perceives the new administration to be more hawkish, unpredictable, or otherwise less constrained,” the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank wrote in a recent assessment detailing Tehran’s march towards an atomic bomb.

That assessment comes as Iran seeks to influence the outcome of the November election, including by targeting the Trump campaign with a cyber operation. The campaign announced an Iranian hack in August when stolen materials were sent to news outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post. [ Source (Read More…) ]

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