Christians and Jews led global migration trends, Pew study revealed

(Worthy Insights) – A report from the Pew Research Center, released on Wednesday, uncovered that Christians and Jews were leading global migration trends, highlighting the significant role these religious groups played in the international movement of people. The study, which analyzed data from United Nations sources and over 270 censuses and surveys, revealed that Christians and Jews were overrepresented among the world’s migrants compared to their global population shares.

According to the report, Christians constituted nearly half (47%) of all international migrants, a figure notably higher than their 30% share of the global population. This made Christianity the most represented religion among those who lived outside their country of birth.

Meanwhile, Jews, though representing a tiny fraction of the world’s population at 0.2%, accounted for 1% of global migrants. This meant that one in every five Jews, or 20%, resided outside their country of birth, making them the religious group most likely to have migrated. [ Source (Read More…) ]

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