After Attack, Druze Israeli Soldiers, Residents Refute Global Myth of Israel as ‘Apartheid State’

(Worthy Insights) – Israel is often accused in international arenas of racism and even of operating as an Apartheid state, yet the recent attack on a Druze minority community in the Golan Heights tells a different story.

Company Sgt.-Major Eyal Ghanam, a Druze Israeli, is an Israel Defense Forces commander in the Givati Brigade. He fought in the 2014 Gaza-Israel war and now serves as a reservist in the ongoing war after October 7th.

Ghanam spoke to journalists in the Druze town of Majdal Shams after a Hezbollah rocket killed 12 children as they played on a soccer field last month. Dozens were wounded. [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]

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