Israel Freed 10 Hostages in a Secret Rescue—So Why Didn’t it Make the Headlines?

(Worthy Insights) – Under the cover of darkness, Israeli troops executed a daring rescue mission—freeing 10 Indian laborers trapped in a horrifying case of modern-day slavery. And yet, you’ve likely heard little about it.

Here’s why.

The laborers had come to Israel seeking construction jobs, but were lured to the Palestinian village of A-Za’im with false promises. Instead of work, their passports were confiscated, and they were held captive for over a month.

The situation only came to light when the IDF caught Palestinians illegally entering Israel using the stolen passports. What followed was a coordinated rescue mission, led by the Israeli military alongside government ministries. The hostages were freed, and their passports returned. [ Source (Read More…) ]

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