(Worthy Insights) – Massachusetts parents of a middle school student are hoping to take their case against their child’s school district to the U.S. Supreme Court. That comes after a federal court ruled they do not have a constitutional right to be informed that their daughter changed her gender identity and name while at school. The court essentially ruled that her school had a right to hide that information from the parents.
The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit by parents, Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri, who challenged the Baird Middle School’s policy of concealing a child’s gender identity and other information from them.
The parents had written the school and told them their daughter was gender-confused and under professional care and that no one was to communicate with her about it, the Daily Signal reports. However, the child told school officials that she considered herself “genderqueer” and said she did not want her parents to know about it. [ Source (Read More…) ]